Ok done with that part...i thought the convoy is from our house or Tok Mama's house, but then we have to meet up some where in Ampang, near Ani Sup Utara, Ampang..Papa dont want to drive.. so i have to drive all the way to ALP..lumrah convoy, there will be someone that will arrive very late...and this time it is Uncle Jai(not a new thing btw)..We arrive at ALP @ around 10 pm on Malam Jumaat...and every body like kebuluran..ni bukan kelaparan lagi dah..even naqib pun kelaparan tahan kronik..sampai makan mushroom soup dulu sementara tunggu nasik goreng udang die sampai..
Mama & Papa, boss of the nite..tgh kepo tgh ape tah, on the way up to ALP..
Kl's view from up there..camera 12 MP pun x mampu nk snap gamba elok sikit..tp kalau real live memang cantik gilo la...
This time, dinner is on Anti Bal, so makna nya..makan free la ni...the best part is..ORDER....!!
Naqib si orang melayu nk makan nasik goreng jugak....suap sendiri...sampai habis sepinggan..memang lapa sungguh budak ni..biase nasik semangkuk die tu pun susah nak habis..
Mama dgn enaknye..mengorder(?) LOBSTER..hahhaha..siap share ngan papa..
I ordered Black Paper Sirloin steak, walaupun niat asalnye nk order RIBS..nampak lebih meyelerakan..
Aina aka birthday girl dgn pizzanye..pi mana2 pun makan pizza dak ni..
Jat ordered Nasik ape tah dgn kaki kambing seketul tu...sedap katanya..hahah
Sharing is caring...
Sikit lagi jadi salad perisa janggut..
All of us..(almost)
Berlatar belakangkan pemandangan indah(?)
Overall, food is not bad, and the price is ok la..not so expensive, except for the lobster..it is around RM70++ i think...Pas masing2 dah kekenyangan, potong kek, org situ bwk kek, siap tutup lampu, pasang lagu hepi besday plus lampu disko yang liplap liplap tu....
my dad & uncles was like.."mmmmm.."
tgk video ni...x siap upload kot..huHU~
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