Sunday, May 09, 2010

Happy Mother's Day...Mama...

Mama as i call her, and Mak as my sisters call her..i think if I have several more siblings, we would have call her in 3 different name..but calling names is not a way to show your love to love for her is tremendously deep...deeper than the deepest sea available in this WWW(whole wide world ya...)

Being a mum to a 'young Me' is definitely not easy..walaupun x melawan sgt suka buat benda yg di larang, berperangai seperti lelaki(thanks to Jat), mesti Mama nk sgt anak sulung perempuan yang seperti ke'perempuan'an, but i definitely have failed her ...i know i'm not a good kid then..but i'm trying my hardest to be her good kid now..

I wish I could tell you, Ma
how much you mean to me...
But there are no words to say
how much I admire you...
how much I appreciate you..
how much I thank you..
for everything you've done..
Even my whole life pay check could never repay what u've done for me

Ya Allah ya Tuhanku, Kau ampuni la semua dosa ibu & bapaku, kau kasihanilah mereka lebih daripada bagaimana mereka mengasihani ku...dan kau peliharalah mereka lebih baik daripada mereka memeliharaku..


thezaila said...

walaupun aku belom menjadi ibu lagi.. aku sungguh terharu dgn kata2 itew..

LinZ said...

hahahah...kata2 ape?ade part yg mengharukan ke?huhuhuuh~...tgh mood sayu~

aito said...
